REVEAL: 2017 ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot raised $325K for Caritas of Austin!
Cumulative donation to Caritas reaches nearly $3.5 million!
The owners of ThunderCloud Subs presented Caritas of Austin, a local nonprofit that works to prevent and end homelessness in Austin, with a check for $325,000, the proceeds raised at the 27th annual ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot held on Thanksgiving Day.
ThunderCloud donates all of the proceeds from the annual event directly to Caritas. This year’s donation brings the cumulative total raised for Caritas to nearly $3.5 million— $3,438,375 to be exact.
The ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot, Austin’s beloved Thanksgiving tradition, is the largest five-mile run in Texas and also includes a one-mile walk and a Kids K that all take place outside the Long Center for the Performing Arts. More than 20,000 people participated this year.
“We are honored to receive the continued support of the Austin community for our event and for Caritas of Austin,” says Mike Haggerty, co-owner of ThunderCloud Subs, run director for the Trot, and board member emeritus of Caritas.
The money raised at the event each year helps Caritas of Austin achieve its mission, according to Jo Kathryn Quinn, executive director. The proceeds from this year’s event will fund a variety of programs, and specifically the $325,000 will help Caritas end homelessness for more than 100 families, serve more than 67,000 meals in their community kitchen, or help more than 500 people gain employment. “These are just a few examples of the positive, tangible impact ThunderCloud Subs’ support has to make Austin stronger for all who call it home,” Quinn says.
“Caritas of Austin is incredibly grateful for the continued support of ThunderCloud Subs for the past 27 years. The money raised at the ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot each year is critical to Caritas’ work helping build wellbeing for hundreds of families by making sure they have a safe home, healthy food, employment opportunities, and life skills to succeed,” says Quinn.
“We are proud to be a part of the ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot, and want to not only thank the ThunderCloud Subs staff and volunteers, but also the participants, who continue to make this event a success,” Quinn says.
For more information about Caritas of Austin, go to