
Fresh, Fast & Healthy.

Pipo Hernandez: the unofficial face of ThunderCloud’s specials boards

February 6th, 2018

There are many recognizable faces among our ThunderCloud Subs family, but one who has become even more so recently is Pipo Hernandez.

Pipo has been ThunderCloud’s operations manager for more than 30 years, and has had many nicknames over the years, including “the most interesting man in the world” and “El Asteroide” (after he was selected to throw out the first pitch at a Houston Astros game). His talents include playing the guitar and soccer, and employees are so fond of him that he’s recently become the unofficial face of ThunderCloud. Some of our employee artists have been featuring Pipo’s handsome mug on the rotating specials boards at their stores every month, and their illustrations have been awesome!

Check out a few of our favorites below, and follow us on Instagram @tcloudsubs to see even more.

SIDE NOTE: Pipo has also been instrumental in the ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot, volunteering every year since the first Trot in 1991. Click here to read more.

Posted in:   News Thundercloud