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Can you guess the store? Test your ThunderCloud IQ!

May 2nd, 2016

When it comes to ThunderCloud, are you a sultan of subs or an average Joe? Put your ThunderCloud Subs loyalty and knowledge to the ultimate test by seeing how many of these stores you can guess from the pictures. (And don’t worry if you only know a handful of them. Some of these even stumped employees who have been with us for 20-plus years!) The answers are at the bottom….. good luck!

Georgetown2Bee Caves RoadSouth CongressBurnet:AndersonNeucesSlaughterLavaca 2Riverside and CongressNew Braunfels

Answers: 1) Georgetown. 2) Rutland 3) Ranch Road 620. 4) Nueces 5) Burnet and Anderson. 6) Neuces St. 7) Slaughter Lane. 8) Lavaca St. 9) Riverside and Congress. 10) New Braunfels. 

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