2019 Turkey Trot presents Caritas with check for $325,000!
Courtesy of KVUE
ThunderCloud Subs raised $325,000 in the 29th edition of our annual ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot, bringing the total raised for Caritas of Austin to $4.1 million!
Caritas, which works to prevent and end homelessness in the greater Austin area, has received 100 percent of the proceeds of the ThunderCloud Turkey Trot since we began the annual Thanksgiving Day event in 1991. As part of the long-standing tradition, the owners of ThunderCloud presented the check to the organization today, just one week before Christmas.
“We started the ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot nearly three decades ago to help make our city better and stronger by helping the less fortunate,” says Mike Haggerty, ThunderCloud co-owner. “Thank you to our sponsors, volunteers, employees, and Trot participants for the continued support of this event and ultimately for the less fortunate in our community.”
The ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot, taking place on Thanksgiving Day every year, is the largest five-mile run in Texas and includes a one-mile walk and Kids K all taking place outside the Long Center for the Performing Arts.
“Caritas is grateful for the longstanding partnership with Thundercloud Subs,” says Jo Kathryn Quinn, executive director of Caritas. “Both ‘Austin originals’ have been pairing up for this Thanksgiving tradition for 29 years, and the money raised has served some of Austin’s most vulnerable families since those early days. I am amazed and my heart is warmed by this incredible support.”