Congrats to our 2019 Elinor Mire Scholarship Award recipients!
We’re thrilled to announce that Helping Hand Home for Children is the recipient of this year’s Elinore Mire Run Entry Scholarship. Serving Austin children since 1893, Helping Hand Home is a residential treatment center that provides a safe haven for children healing from physical, emotional and sexual abuse, neglect, or abandonment. They provide the children with the enrichment, education and empowerment that will help them to heal and reclaim their childhood.
Running club is one of the enrichment activities at Helping Hand Home that the children love and they have also participated in other Austin races. They will receive 15 entries into the ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot along with commemorative 29th annual Trot t-shirts. Congratulations!!
Learn more about Helping Hand Home for Children or make a donation at